Our Services

If you're looking for excellent service and a people-friendly approach, then you've come to the right place. At Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center, our ultimate goal is to serve you and make your experience with us a pleasant one.

Arthritis Relief

When most people think of arthritis, they tend to picture older folks struggling with joint pain. But in reality, arthritis affects people of all ages. If you’ve been struggling with arthritis, chiropractic treatment may be able to help. And if you’re looking for a chiropractor who will give your condition the attention it deserves, come to Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center in Union City, NJ.

Automobile Accidents

Unfortunately, car accidents are fairly common these days. If you’ve been involved in a car accident, it’s important to seek treatment as quickly as possible after the incident. And at Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center in Union City, NJ, we work with patients who have suffered automobile injuries and are looking for chiropractic treatment to begin the healing process.

Back Pain Therapy

Back pain, particularly in the lower back, is a common reason why people seek chiropractic health care. Anything from an injury to obesity to serious degenerative conditions can cause chronic lower back pain. If you’re a resident of Union City, NJ suffering from back pain, chiropractic treatment from Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center may work to relieve your condition and help you enjoy an improved quality of life.

Fibromylgia Relief

If you’re suffering from fibromyalgia, it’s time for a visit to Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center in Union City, NJ. A chronic condition characterized by widespread pain and frequent exhaustion, fibromyalgia affects countless people, many of whom haven’t even been officially diagnosed. In recent years, chiropractic care has been found to be effective in treating symptoms of fibromyalgia, including anxiety, depression, headaches, irritable bowel syndrome, muscle, ligament and tendon pain, and sleep disorders.

General Chiropractic

The friendly team at Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center is proud to offer Union City, NJ, chiropractic services to anyone looking to reduce or eliminate pain and discomfort. We use our skilled hands to target issues that affect neuromusculoskeletal and overall health for people in Union City, NJ. With our help, you can overcome the limitations your condition has put on your life. Through strength training, traction, massage, and exercise, we can help you improve your quality of life. When you visit our modern facility in Union City for the first time, we’ll get right to the task of finding the ideal set of treatments that will work for you. We don’t attempt to apply the same methods to every patient, because we’ve found that customization leads to better results. You are our top priority when you come to us with issues like sciatica, back pain, arthritis, shoulder pain, headaches and migraines.

Headache and Migraine Relief

A headache can sometimes just be a headache – from stress, chemical fumes, a long night at the party, or even preservatives in food. But other times, a headache can be a symptom of chronic neck and back pain. If this is the case, a visit with Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center in Union City, NJ may help rid you of those headaches for good. Our headache and migraine chiropractic services are designed to alleviate your discomfort without the use of drugs and their harmful side effects. Many people don’t realize that headaches can arise from spinal misalignment. In these cases, medication can often take care of the headache pain – but as long as you have that misalignment, your headaches may keep coming back. When you come in for an evaluation, we can discuss the possible source of your headaches and give you a physical examination to check for additional problems. Our headache and migraine chiropractic team will work to identify the cause of your headaches with the goal of reaching a long-term solution for your discomfort.

Neck Pain Relief

At our chiropractic office in Union City, NJ, many of our patients come to us complaining of neck pain. If you’re suffering from difficulty in neck mobility, stiffness, or pain to the touch, a visit to Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center may be able to help. There are many causes of neck pain, including stress, poor sleeping positions, bad posture while working on a computer, injury and more. Neck pain can significantly impact your overall quality of life. Neck pain can limit your mobility, distract you from your job, and impede your ability to simply enjoy your days. If you’re tired of struggling with neck pain, make an appointment with Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center and see how we can help. With convenient office hours, flexible scheduling, and a caring, dedicated staff, we make it easy to seek chiropractic care for neck pain sufferers like you.

Pediatric Chiropractic

Chiropractic care for children offers your family a solid foundation for wellness. Whether you’re looking to treat a specific issue or prevent problems for your child in the future, Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center pediatric chiropractic program in Union City, NJ is a good place to start. More and more parents are seeking pediatric chiropractic care for their children. Many spinal problems seen in adults can begin as early as birth. Regular chiropractic checkups can identify potential spinal injury from these traumas, allow for corrections early in life, and help children avoid many of the health complaints seen later in adults. At Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center, we can check your child’s spine for misalignments that could impair nervous system and overall body function. If we see a problem, we’ll work with you to develop a plan for treatment.

Personal Injury Chiropractic

If you’ve been injured in a fall, car crash, or other type of accident, proper chiropractic care is essential for preventing long-term injury. Sometimes even seemingly minor injuries can have lasting effects, causing pain, discomfort, and limited function for many years after the initial event. At Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center in Union City, NJ, we offer treatment for a wide range of back, neck, and bodily injuries. So if you’re suffering following an injury, it’s time to make an appointment.

Sciatica Treatment

A condition characterized by pain, numbness or weakness in the lower extremities, sciatica is often caused by a misaligned lower spine or a slipped disc. However, any degeneration as a result of long-term stress can lead to sciatica as well. If you suspect that you may be suffering from sciatica, don’t wait until the pain becomes unbearable. Delaying treatment can cause long-term damage to your sciatic nerve, so if you’re experiencing discomforting, it’s time to make an appointment with Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center in Union City, NJ.

Scoliosis Therapy

Scoliosis is an unnatural curvature of the spine that often develops at a young age but goes unnoticed due to minimal pain at its onset. Left untreated, scoliosis can worsen and lead to serious medical problems such as limited mobility, respiratory and digestive problems, and chronic, debilitating pain. If you’re suffering from scoliosis, come to Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center. As a chiropractic office in Union City, NJ, we offer scoliosis therapy to help patients like you address this condition and, when possible, experience relief from its symptoms. At Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center, our scoliosis therapy encompasses a variety of techniques. Whether you simply suspect the condition or have a firm diagnosis, we’ll take the time to evaluate your situation and devise the best course of action. Our Union City, NJ team is dedicated to providing the highest standard of quality in chiropractic care, and we use several advanced methods and technology to that effect.

Shoulder Pain Relief

One of the most mobile joints in the human body, the shoulder is also one of the most complex, so it’s no wonder that this part of the body can cause us so much grief. If you’re experiencing chronic or sudden shoulder pain, chiropractic treatment may be able to help, and you should seek medical attention before the problem gets worse. At Kennedy Chiropractor Wellness Center in Union City, NJ, we are very familiar with the various problems that can occur in the shoulder, shoulder blade, back, and arm areas. And more than just treating the pain, we focus on treating the underlying cause. Shoulder pain can be caused by overexertion, pinched nerves, dislocation, fractures, and various other problems. Symptoms often include difficulty carrying objects or raising your arm, numbness, pain, swelling and tingling. If you’ve had any of these symptoms for an extended period of time, we urge you to come in for a consultation. After a thorough examination of your physical health and medical history, we will aim to diagnose the problem and create a unique treatment plan that will work best for you. Treatment options include massage therapy, medication, stretching and strength exercises, and several other options depending on the cause of your shoulder pain.

Why Choose Us?

  • Modern Facility
  • Friendly, Knowledgeable Staff
  • Flexible Hours

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